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孤胆惊魂2消失的207全武器图鉴 武器威力及射程一览

日期:2022-10-20 16:50:27栏目:游戏攻略浏览:

Military dagger
  • A durable military dagger, if equipped with the Demon Head Dagger, the attack will be greatly improved.
    Attack power: 20 Attack distance: 1
    Holy pistol
  • Although the power is small, but a very reliable partner.
    Attack power: 30 Attack distance: 10 Magazine volume: 15 Reloading speed: 1s
  • Physical exorcism can eliminate all evil forces.
    Attack power: 20 Attack distance: 15 Clip size: 50 Reloading speed: 2.5s
  • Using electric stun guns, you can easily squeeze (fix yourself) demons.
    Attack power: 50 Attack distance: 10 Clip size: 10 Reloading speed: 2s
    Zhuge Crossbow
  • The steel crossbow has a slow rate of fire, but it is powerful and penetrating and can repel demons.
    Attack power: 90 Attack distance: 10 Knockback distance: 4 Clip size: 10 Reloading speed: 1s
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